You likely landed here because you're either researching your options for financing business equipment or you submitted an application and are...
Continue ReadingOur 2022 Market Outlook
Troy P on November 22, 2021
What does the future look like as we head into the new year? Heck, we're not sure...but here's what we're seeing. (Spoiler alert: it's mostly...
Continue ReadingThe Top 4 Reasons Geneva Capital is a Killer Place to Work
Anna Petro on November 9, 2021
When you ask a member of our crew what makes working at Geneva Capital so special, 9 times out of 10 you'll get one of these three answers: We've...
Continue ReadingA Guide to myGC: Our Customer Account Portal
Amy Z on November 1, 2021
What is myGC? MyGC is Geneva Capital's Online Customer Portal. Think of it as your account hub. It's the place you'll head to easily view invoices...
Continue ReadingPurchase Bundling: Multiple Vendors, ONE Payment
Troy P on October 12, 2021
Purchasing commercial gym equipment can be overwhelming in the ever-changing fitness industry. Among other things, you must consider how to: Stay on...
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